Hiring an attorney is the most important thing you can do when you are facing a legal matter. If you are involved in an accident or have a contractual dispute, hiring the right attorney can affect you the rest of your life. So, to get a real understanding of the attorney who would guide you through one of the most stressful times in your life, we decided to ask the person that knows Clay as well as anyone, his older brother. Read what he had to say, in his own words, and we think the choice for your attorney will become very clear. Who is Clay Phillips? Strong Clay is uncommonly strong for his size. He gets it from my father. I’m the oldest brother and for many years was able to dominate both my brothers in combat. I remember when I came home at the age of 20 when Clay had just turned 15. I picked a fight over something silly and took it outside. I realized once I was flat on my back and completely dominated that my reign of terror had ended! At only 180 pounds or so in high school he was able to bench press well over 300 pounds. In elementary school and junior high he broke the school record several times for the most pull ups. I think ultimately, he was able to do well over 40 pull ups. Passionate Clay is passionate about everything he does. In fact, his passion is often contagious. In high school he was voted Best School Spirit Jeff Davis. He played football with passion, he hunts and fishes with passion, he loves his family passionately, loves his country passionately, and loves Jesus with passion. Man of Conviction Clay has deeply held convictions and lives out his faith in his everyday dealings with others. He has a strong sense of right and wrong and has always desired to see wrongs righted and justice done. A Real Christian – Loves Jesus Logical Clay. As Clay‘s older brother we often end up in debate over different topics. I can’t recall a time when we were debating that I actually won the debate. Clay can beat you in an argument three ways. First, he’s amazingly logical and can reduce the argument to just a couple of simple truths that leaves you speechless. Second, his passion is so intense that it’s hard to match his. Finally, his persistence will wear you down if his logic and passion has not! Loves Life Loves People – all people. If you want to add fun to your next event, work project etc. then invite Clay. Loyal Encourager – If you are trying to start a fire, he is the lighter fluid! Generous. Persistent. A committed father. A faithful husband. A great friend to have in this short life – “foxhole friend” Decisive. Persuasive. Compassionate. Capable and Reliable. That’s who Clay Phillips is!Meet Clay Phillips
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All information displayed on the Clay Phillips Law Firm website is informational and shall not be deemed as legal advice. If you’re currently dealing with an individual legal situation, you’re invited to contact us through email or by phone. Until an attorney-client relationship has been established, we urge that you avoid sharing any confidential information. Furthermore, no representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.